Sunday, 14 December 2014

Model IELTS Writing Task : Table

As you know, Academic Task 1 challenges your ability to describe visual data in written English. In the following videos, I explain a way to approach structuring your response should you be faced with a table, graph or diagram.

The graph shows marriage, divorce and remarriage numbers in the United Kingdom between the years 1961 and 1999. There appears to be a somewhat negative relationship between first marriage rates and the rates of divorces and remarriages.
According to the data, there were just shy of 350,000 first marriages in 1961. This value grew in a slightly unstable manner to a peak in 1970 of 400,000 before dropping to 270,000 in 1978. What followed this was a period of very gradual decrease until 250,000 first marriages were hit in 1991. This downward progression accelerated mildly until 1999, when first marriage numbers were roughly 200,000. 
Divorce and remarriage numbers, however, moved in the opposite direction. There were roughly 25,000 divorces in the UK in 1961 and over the next decade this number swelled to 125,000. A period of modest, yet unstable, growth then occurred and carried on until about 1984, when a plateau of just over 150,000 was reached. Light variation around this value continued until 1999. Remarriages showed similar growth, accelerating from 50,000 in 1961 to 125,000 in 1971. The remaining period was marked by a relatively stable plateau of roughly 120,000 remarriages per year.

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