Monday 29 December 2014

How do you use positive emphasis and you attitude to present your point of view?

Q. If you were at a conference that your boss sent you to and you really did have much information that was good from the meeting except a few, how you you express the positive ememphasis and your attitude to present your point of view?

A. The main idea with creating a sense of positive emphasis is to speak with a great amount of conviction and to show confidence in your words and ideas. If you make entirely sure that you know what you're talking about and present the information in a clear and defined manner, then the rest seemingly works itself out. The only work you have to do is to make sure that you are relaxed and comfortable so that everything comes out at a steady pace, and as well, so that you don't skip over any important details that your audience would find beneficial. Also, it never hurts to maintain an assuring dose of eye contact. It goes a long way to do so, and it will greatly help you in your effort to stamp down the positive emphasis you wish to achieve.

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